ADOBE Association for the Development of a Better Environment
What is ADOBE? ADOBE was created in 1989 to oversee and implement the orderly growth of the Gold Canyon area. ADOBE gathers and disseminates information and data to the membership concerning any public, private, governmental, commercial, or developmental activities that may affect the character and/or environment of the community, and then serves as a conduit between these entities. The Association may initiate, endorse, or oppose issues that may affect the community, and when appropriate, establish, appoint or commission the formation of citizen action and/or study groups.
- ADOBE BELIEVES: *** That local citizens should be responsive to their own needs by allowing them to maintain local standards and controls, and that grass roots involvement best reflects established local value.s *** Planned, quality development will enhance property values, lifestyle, and security.
- *** Property owners have the right to do with their land that which is in the law, in conjunction with local ordinances, and state and Federal laws that preserve the health, safety, and welfare of the public.
- *** Quality commercial development--which is essential to orderly growth and controlled and logical taxation- will ensure commercial developers are attracted to the community while keeping in compliance with established local standards of devlepment.
The Voice of Gold Canyon Since 1989!ADOBE Gold Canyon Website 6499 S. Kings Ranch Rd., Suite 6-500 Gold Canyon, AZ 85118
ADOBE BOARD MEMBERS: President, Glenn Walp 480-982-2316 Vice President, Rick Hardina 480-529-1173
Treasurer, Dianna Walp Secretary, Lisa Bradford480-238-0786 Membership Chairperson, Terri Klucar602-430-1626
IIf you are interested in joining the ADOBE organization, please email us at and we will send you an application. Yearly dues are only $20.00 for individual, family, and commercial members.
ADOBE has monthly events from October through April
Regular monthly meetings are held at the Best Western Hotel on Kings Ranch Rd and Hwy 60 the third Thursday of each month. A list of upcoming topics will be posted on the Events-Future page
Below are snapshots of events that ADOBE initiated or was involved in.
Success stories
Adopt a County Road
Parade in Apache Junction
Clean up on Kings Ranch Rd
Tree Lighting Ceremony
Flag of Gold Canyon
Gold Canyon Monument
**Led a successful effort for community traffic light, and traffic safety sign
**Built community walking trails, sitting benches, and constructed the Gold Canyon Monument
**Created first ever Gold Canyon community flag
**Progressively working to initiate a by-pass around Hwy 60
**Contributes funding for college scholarships, parks, Dinosaur Park landscaping and Ramada
**Prevented high rise apartments on Kings Ranch Road
**Prevented an airport-helicopter gunnery to be built at the north end of Kings Ranch Road
**Prevented the use of 2.5 square miles of land for a landfill at the south end of Kings Ranch Road
**Prevented the erection of a television tower on Silly Mountain
**Helped prevent a major increase in sewer fees
**Clean up crew of ADOBE members on a section of Kings Ranch Road
**Participates in the Christmas Tree Lighting event at the Gold Canyon Gold Resort
**Selected by the Federal Government to spearhead the Firewise City Program in the Gold Canyon community.** Selected by Pinal County Government as a major stakeholder in the Pinal County, Arizona Safe Streets and Roads for All Safety Action Plan** Assisted and developed the Gold Canyon Alliance to oppose certain industrial development in Gold Canyon**Created and authored the Gold Canyon Community Magazine "The Ledger"
** Authors the ADOBE News Section in the monthly magazine "Superstition Living"
This is the logo for Gold Canyon. We now have flags for sale which you can proudly display! See them at the next meeting!
join aDOBE!
Send in this form (to the right) and someone will get back to you shortly to answer your questions and send you a membership form if you so desire.
SENATOR Mark Kelly
www.kelly.senate.govD.C. 202-224-2235SENATOR Kyrsten Sinemawww.sinema.senate.govD.C. 202-224-4521Phoenix 602-598-7327U.S. Congressman - Eli Crane - 202-225-3361Government Contacts:IARIZONA STATE LEGISLATURE WEBSITEDistrict 16:Senator Wendy Rogers - 602-926-3042Representative David Marshall - 928-243-4177Representative David Cook - 602-926-5162
PINAL COUNTY ARIZONA WEBSITEBoard of SupervisorsPlanning and Zoning CommissionTransportation Improvement and Maintenance
County Supervisor Jeff Serdy480-982-0659Email - Jeff Serdy at Pinal County
PINAL COUNTY ARIZONA WEBSITEBoard of SupervisorsPlanning and Zoning CommissionTransportation Improvement and Maintenance
County Supervisor Jeff Serdy480-982-0659Email - Jeff Serdy at Pinal County
Important Contacts :
http://PinalPartnership.comGold Canyon Arizona WebsiteGold Canyon Garden Club WebsiteGold Canyon Arts Council WebsiteGold Canyon Business Association WebsiteGold Canyon Chamber of Commerce WebsiteInternational Dark Sky Association Website
ADOBE Committee Chairpersons:Air Safety - Steve Edwards - 602-999-6853Bypass/Highway Development - Lisa Bradford - 480-238-0786Firewise City - Bunny Butler - 623-229-1686Gold Canyon Alliance - Glenn Walp - 480-982-2316Legislative Liaison - Marianne Freas - 480-983-6518Planning and Development - Lisa Bradford - 480-238-0786Citizens Advisory Committee, Website Manager- Terri Klucar - 602-430-1626
ADOBE Committee Chairpersons:Air Safety - Steve Edwards - 602-999-6853Bypass/Highway Development - Lisa Bradford - 480-238-0786Firewise City - Bunny Butler - 623-229-1686Gold Canyon Alliance - Glenn Walp - 480-982-2316Legislative Liaison - Marianne Freas - 480-983-6518Planning and Development - Lisa Bradford - 480-238-0786Citizens Advisory Committee, Website Manager- Terri Klucar - 602-430-1626