educating and informing the community
Discover what informative meetings and topics were provided to the community
On November 21 we were honored to have as our guest speaker, Supervisor Jeff Serdy from Pinal County. Jeff gave a very informative talk and showed us insight into current and future developments in the Gold Canyon area. We then had Chris Wanamaker, Pinal County Chief Engineer, speak about roads in are area and future growth. The goal of the County is to alleviate traffic congestion while making sense of the traffic around our community to benefit everyone. Very good meeting and turnout!
Mr. Harold Christ was our presenter at our kickoff October 17, 2024 ADOBE Meeting. The meeting was held at the Gold Canyon Best Western Hotel, with social time at 6:15 pm and the meeting at 7 pm. Christ was an East Valley Developer who set his eyes on a piece of land where he decided to build a golf course and resort with the hopes of beginning a new community. That community eventually received the name Gold Canyon. Come to the meeting a let Mr. Christ tell you all about it. More On Mr. Christ in the October 2024 edition of Superstition Living.
On October 26, 2024, the Gold Canyon Chamber of Commerce hosted its first-ever “Annual Superstition Classics Car Show.” Vendor booths were available and I understand they are filling up quickly. There were awards for car entries, food, music, raffles, a photo booth, and much more. If you are interested in entering your classic vehicle, becoming a sponsor of the show (four different sponsorships), or hosting a booth, visit or call 480-238-0786.
On March 21, 2024 Ms. Donna Talley And Mr. Mid Carlozzi, Food Bank Managers, were The Presenters At The ADOBE March Community Meeting. Donna And Mid shared Precise Details And Narratives Highlighting The Food Bank Operations, Emphasizing The Evolving Distribution Dynamics, Particularly The Growing Need For The Elderly.
pinal County Board of Supervisors public forum
On November 16th 2023 there was a meeting to present two of the candidates , current Supervisor Jeff Serdy, and former Supervisor Todd House, who are running for County Supervisor in 2024. Many good questions were asked of the candidates and the meeting was very informative and interesting.
Arizona Corporation Commission
In August of 2023, the AZ Corporation Commission presented an interesting overview of the policies and methods for detemining rates for water and other private uitlity companies. Mr. Kevin Thompson was the presenter.
Arizona Water Company
In January of 2023, AZ Water Company presented a look at our future water consumption and needs for the community of Gold Canyon and for the state of Arizona. It was a very interesting and informative meeting with many people in attendance.,
Boyce Thompson Arboretum John Bello, Director of Education and Interpretation
In March of 2023, John Bello from the Boyce Thompson Arboretum presented a wonderful overview of the arboretum and its many and sundry plantlife attractions. Great place to visit and enjoy our natural environment!
Pinal County Animal Care and Control Director, Audra Michael
In November of 2022, Audra Michael of Pinal County Animal Care and Control gave a compassionate and informative presentation on the wonderful work that this organization does for the protection and adoption of our beloved and precious animals.
pinal county open Space and Trails Director, Kent A. Taylor
In February of 2023, Mr. Kent Taylor presented a up to date look at our county park and trails system, highlighing the newest county park, Peralta Regional Park.
Peralta Regional Park